Welcome to VET@HOME

Piloting Virtual Practical Trainings for Culinary Arts VET

Agreement number: 2020-1-BG01-KA226-VET-095185

VET@HOME is an Erasmus+ funded international project implemented by 6 organizations from 5 countries (Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal, Croatia and North Macedonia) designed to create and pilot a standard unit-based syllabus model for virtual practical training courses (training practice) within the vocational education and training (VET) for the profession “Cook”.

The project introduces a new approach to conducting practical training leading to qualifications that are adapted for distant learning and blending the use of alternative learning tools and new operational courses in the food and beverage sector across the EU.

Here you may check our products developed within the VET@HOME project.

Our Outputs

Model syllabus

for virtual practical training courses for the profession of “Cook”

Е-learning platform

For the delivery of the virtual practical courses for Cook.

Protocol and Guidebook  

for trainers and company tutors on how to conduct on-line VET practical training courses


for integration of distance-mode practical training learning outcomes in VET qualifications

Check the education/training organization that provides the courses in your country

Our Courses Providers

Advanced e-Learning Tools

Experience the most advanced distance learning platform for delivery of virtual practical training for Cook!


Certificates to users who complete successfully the courses


Check your level of achievements through quizes 


Video lessons

Watch top chefs performing video demonstrations


Implement your assignments at home following the instructions

Learn more

Most popular courses on our platform

Popular Courses

Checkout the latest and most advanced courses in our platform.

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View all Courses ›

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